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Friday 16th June

Day 3

08:30 - 11:30

Registration open

09:00 - 10:30

Plenary Session - Hair Growth and Cycling

Chair: Colin Jahoda
Co-Chair: Nicole Cesarato

Invited Speaker: Maria Kasper, Sweden
Talk title: Hair Growth: a symphony of single cells

Speaker: Alizee Le Riche, Germany
T20: Treatment with Estetrol results into anagen prolongation, promotion of dermal papilla functions and expansion of stem cell progeny in female healthy hair follicles ex vivo

Speaker: Amelle Geurim Ra, United Kingdom
T21: Metformin Attenuates the Loss of Keratin 15+ Epithelial Stem Cells an In Vitro Model of Scarring Alopecia

Speaker: Elsa Logarinho, Portugal
T22: Pharmacologic inhibition of TGFβ signaling improves human hair follicle growth cycle

Speaker: Dmytro Royzman, Germany

T23: Soluble CD83 mediates hair growth by triggering stem-cell related pathways and accelerating anagen progression

Invited Speaker: Marja Mikkola, Finland 
Talk title: Hair Follicle Induction

10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:30

Poster Session (all)

11:30 - 12:45

Topical Session: Macroenvironment and Modelling

Chair: Des Tobin
: Susan Limbu​

Invited Speaker: Michael Rendl, United States of America
Talk title: Mesenchymal Control of Hair Follicle Regression

Speaker: Anna Rhodes, United Kingdom
T24: Innervation patterns around the human hair follicle

Marta Bertolini, Germany
T25: Exploring the potential of farudodstat, a DHODH inhibitor, as an alopecia areata therapeutic in a novel ex vivo model of human hair follicle immune privilege collapse

Speaker: Beren Atac Wagegg, Germany

T26: Topical Cinnamaldehyde Exposure of Reconstructed Human Skin with Integrated Neopapillae: an Organ-on-Chip Study

Invited Speaker:
Maria Hordinsky, United States of America 
Talk title: Scalp Dysesthesia and Hair Loss: What do we know about the scalp peripheral nervous system?

12:45 - 13:30

Closing Ceremony and Prizes and Awards
Chairs: Andrew Messenger, Claire Higgins & Gillian Westgate


Buffet Lunch

20th European Hair Research Society Meeting - Sheffield, 14th - 16th June 2023

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