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Thursday 15th June

Day 2

08:30 - 18:00

Registration open

07:45 - 08:45

Trainee Breakfast

Chairs: Sergio Vano Galvan, Carlos Clavel, Tatiana Silyuk

Speakers: Matt Harries, Claire Higgins, Gill Westgate


09:00 - 10:30

Plenary session- Hair Loss and Ageing

Chair: Mike Philpott
Co-Chair: Leila Asfour

Invited Speaker: Julie Thornton, United Kingdom
Talk title: Heterogeneity of female scalp hair follicle mesenchyme and the impact of ageing

Speaker: Yaqi Ye
, United Kingdom
T10: Senescence-associated ß-Galactosidase expression is not primarily related to cellular senescence in aggregating rat dermal papilla cells in vitro

: Summik Limbu, United Kingdom
T11: Miniaturisation of hair follicles in androgenetic alopecia may be driven by accelerated localised ageing

 Stephane Commo, France
T12: The study of aged scalp reveals biological changes associated to the decrease of hair density

Speaker: Jennifer Dillon,
 United Kingdom
T13: â€‹Cryopreserved Hair Follicles as a Source of Differentiated and Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine

Invited Speaker:
Jeff Biernaskie, Canada
Talk title: Impact of aging on dermal fibroblasts and the hair follicle mesenchyme

10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 12:15

Topical Session: Patterns of Hair Loss

Chair: Carlos Clavel
Anna Rhodes

Invited Speaker: Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach, Germany
Talk title: Male-pattern hair loss: Comprehensive identification of the associated genes as a basis for understanding pathophysiology

Speaker: Monisha Madhumita, India
T14: Scalp and gut microbiome in Female Pattern Hair Loss – a promising therapeutic target ?

Speaker: Nikolaos Pantelireis, Singapore
T15: A multi-omics approach to identifying factors involved in hair follicle growth and development

Speaker: Anna Lyakhovitsky, Israel
T16: Psychiatric side effects of finasteride: what do we need to know?

Speaker: Francisco Jimenez, Spain

Talk title: Hair follicle transplantation, scarring and wound healing

12:15 - 13:00

John Ebling Lecture

Chairs: Claire Higgins, Valerie Randall

Speaker: Ramon Grimalt, Spain
Talk title: From Hair to Feathers

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Symposium in St Georges

14:00 - 15:15

Topical Session: Hair and Scalp Science

Chair: Lidia Rudnicka 
Co-Chair: Jennifer Dillon

Invited Speaker: Bruno Matard, France
Talk title: Folliculitis decalvans: current data on physiopathology

peaker: Marta Lousada, Germany
T17: Composition, distribution, abundance, viability, and functional effects of the human hair follicle microbiome

Speaker: Susan Limbu, United Kingdom

T18: Transcriptomic profiling of laser captured suprabulbar outer root sheath reveals genes involved in immune privilege and inflammatory response by dandruff hair follicles

Speaker: Erik Schulze zur Wiesche, Germany

T19: A novel topical treatment based on sodium dimethylglycinate and caffeine against male pattern hair loss

Speaker: Tom Dawson, Singapore
Talk title: The Impact of Aging and Menopause on Health, Hair, and Skin

15:15 - 15:45


15:45 - 16:15

Poster Sessions (odd numbers)

16:15 - 17:00

Keynote (Basic Science)

Chair: Talveen Purba

Speaker: Mirna Perez-Moreno, Denmark
Talk title: Hair regeneration goes with the flow: stem  cells and lymph vessels

17:00 - 18:00

EHRS General Assembly (EHRS members only)


Gala Dinner at Sheffield Cathedral (ticketed event)

20th European Hair Research Society Meeting - Sheffield, 14th - 16th June 2023

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